Information Communication Technology (ICT) & Knowledge Management

peter munya giving a press briefing and josphat Nanok giving his first speech

 HE Peter Munya giving a press briefing and HE. Josphat Nanok giving his first speech as the Chair of the Council of Governors



The role of ICT in social and economic development cannot be undermined. With this in mind, it is imperative that Counties understand and adequately plan for how infrastructure and services can be integrated with Information Communication Technology (ICT) to better serve citizens. The committee handles all matters relating to ICT development in the County. This involves; a review of current bills before the National Assembly, Senate, and County Assemblies relating to ICT, a review of national policies, and research on international best practices for ICT development and innovation.


Legal framework

The primary source of legislation of the Communication and ICT committee's activities is the Constitution of Kenya 2010. The other key sources of legislation include:

  • Kenya Communication Act of 1998,
  • Kenya Information and Communications (Amendment) Act, 2013
  • Media Council Act, 2013
  • National Broadband Strategy
  • National ICT Master Plan

Approach to undertaking Committee’s business
The committee functions through: -
a)    Intergovernmental forums to enhance deliberations between Counties and the National Government
b)    Stakeholder meetings to enhance County officials’ capacity
c)    Stakeholder partnerships that enhance this function at the County level


Opportunities that the Committee Offers

The Committee offers a platform in the following areas: -

  • Consultative forum on Joint coordination on E-Government initiative with the aim of making government services more results-oriented, efficient, and citizen-centered.
  • Promoting automation of government functions within the Counties.
  • Public engagement through our social media platforms.
  • Showcase County Governments and devolution successes through stakeholder forums and engagement.
  • Review of the Draft National Information Communication and Technology Policy
  • Facilitating media relations nationally and regionally including interview opportunities, coverage, joint reporting, etc.
  • Promoting E services within the counties i.e. E-Health and Agriculture services
  • Promoting the adoption of open data principles
  • Development of the IT Databank for the National Addressing System


Impact/Breakthroughs/Key Achievements

  • County Connectivity Project with the support of the ICT Authority. This includes the Smart County Project whose aim is to support ICT adoption within County Governments in Kenya. The sub-components of the programme under this include:
  • Implementation of a Unified Communications System and an Integrated County Revenue Management System for Nairobi City County;
  • Assist Counties to develop ICT roadmaps that are aligned with the National ICT Master plan and their local County Integrated Development Plans
  • Assist counties in enhancing the vibrancy of their Communication and Media engagements
  • Assist counties in documenting and sharing their best practices
  • Assist counties to equip their county headquarters (and sub-counties) with basic equipment including office software applications, email, and training;
  • Assist selected counties to implement certain aspects of their ICT Road Maps.
  • County ICT Roadmaps: - All 47 Counties now have ICT Roadmaps. These roadmaps are aligned with the National ICT Master plan and the local County Development Plans. Through the roadmaps, Counties are able to provide the best, most cost-effective ICT-enabled services and resources to their citizens. They have also helped County Governments to make ICT investments that are consistent with global best practices and with the idea of shared ICT services with the National Government and neighboring County ICT infrastructure.



  • Communication Strategy
  • Documentaries highlighting issues of devolution
  • Key Note addresses
  • Press Statements and Press releases
  • Publications (Devolution Conference Magazines, E-Newsletter, Myths & Facts Sheet)
  • The Social Media Pages (COG Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
  • Daily Reviews of both the Old and New Media that informs the Technical Committees on current affairs.
  • In-house What’s app groups where County officials and the Secretariat can pass important information in a timely manner.

Latest News from the Counties


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